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isNonIterable(val: any): boolean#

Checks if value is non-iterable: null, undefined, String, Number, Boolean, Symbol

isNonObject(val: any): boolean#

Checks if value is a type that does not have a constructor

oneIsNonIterable(value: any, compare: any): boolean#

Checks if either value is non iterable

hasSameConstructor(value: any, compare: any): boolean#

Checks if both values have the same constructor

isSameLength(value: any, compare: any): boolean#

Checks if both values are the length (or size). Values can be any iterable with the property length or size.

isFunction(fn): boolean#

Checks if value is instance of a function

forInIsEqual(item: any, check: { (v: any, i: number|string): boolean}): boolean#

Performs a for-in loop that breaks the instance check function returns false. Used to check that a value is in another item.

forOfIsEqual(item: any, check: { (v: any): boolean }): boolean#

Performs a for-of loop that breaks the instance check function returns false. Used to check that a value is in another item.

_nextTick(fn: Function)#

Browser implementation of process.nextTick;